Wednesday, June 29, 2011

first lady of finance

Christine Lagarde was the center of media attention in Paris on Tuesday after she became the first woman to head the International Monetary Fund.

After a month long race, Lagarde defeated Augustin Carstens, head of Mexico's Central Bank.  Born in Paris, 55 year old Lagarde will hold one of the world's most powerful position. 

With more than 20 years of experience working as a lawyer at Baker & McKenzie, a leading US law firm, it will be easy for her and Americans, (who have the biggest voting quota at the IMF), to relate to each other.

Christine Madeleine Odette Lallouette was born into a family of academics. Her father Robert Lallouette was a Professor of English at the Faculty of Rouen; her mother Nicole worked as a teacher. After graduation in 1974 at the Lycée François, she attended  Holton-Arms School, a girls' school in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Then graduated from law school at University Paris X, France, and obtained a Master's Degree in political science from the Institut d'études politiques d'Aix-en-Provence (Sciences Po Aix). Since 2010, she has presided over the Institute's board of directors.

Lagarde begins her five-year-term on July 5.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

paris facts did u know?

  • In Paris you are never more that 400 meters from a subway station.
  • The Marseillaise, the French national anthem, was first sung in Strasbourg, not Marseilles.
  • In French two weeks is in fact 15 days, quinze jours.
  • French politicians can simultaneously hold more than one elected office.
  • Lefevre is the most popular last name in France.
  • There are 27 wine regions in France.
  • Comté cheese is best eaten 30 months after it is made.
  • France is said to have been the birthplace of Gothic art as well as Baroque architectural style. Gothic art was previously known as French Art. This is the reason why we have so many famous and stunningly beautiful Cathedrals and Basilicas have the element of Gothic Art in them.
  • The best views of Paris can be had from Montmartre
  • The Eiffel Tower is 324 meters in height, weighs about 7300 tons, and is the second-highest structure in the world. The Eiffel Tower is the tallest structure in Paris, at night it is lit up, and every hour after midnight for 5 minutes the lights flash and sparkle. When it was built in 1889 it was the tallest tower in the world. Different shades of paint are used at different levels of the tower so that it looks the same color to people on the ground.

Monday, June 27, 2011

bringing your pets to paris

Passports for pets
You may bring up to 3 dogs or cats - but only one puppy or kitten from 3-6 months old - into France. Larger animals, such as horses, are subject to special regulations. There may be no quarantine but the required documents are:

1)Rabies vaccination certificate (dating between one month and one year)

2)Medical certificate (in English and French) of good health, from a nationally licensed veterinarian of your home country, dated no more than five days before entry to France.

Regulations vary from country to country and are subject to change. For exact details on regulations for bringing pets you should contact your French Embassy.

Dogs in the City
The signs stating ‘J’aime mon quartier, je remasse’ are more than a suggestion that you should clear up after your dog. If you get caught not doing your duty, you can be fined about 150 euros. Some arrondissments provide plastic bags.

useful websites:

based on information from Lost in France

paris air show 2011 - meet the new boeing 787

The world's largest industry air show.
The 49th International Paris Air Show returned to Le Bourget, Paris June 20-26.
It's really great to see this new plane!  On our April trip to Paris (Air France), we flew on a B747-400, which is not a very comfortable plane for such a long flight (even though it has an upper deck with seats that offer additional leg room, for a fee)
So I was super excitedI about flying over on one of these, but wait....Now I hear that Air France has put the addition of 100, B787's (to replace its aging fleet) on hold, in favor of the A340-300. What? I don't have any video of that aircraft but I don't think it's a new plane and I know it can't possibly look as sleek as the B787! Anyway word has it that the B787 will not be available until 2017. That's after my 5 year planned departure date anyway.
Check it out
This video provides a look inside the new B787 aircraft

Friday, June 24, 2011

paris real estate market in a slump

Good news, Bad news?
A few weeks ago the BF and I were discussing the housing market in Paris. Since we are considering the possibility of purchasing property there we were very interested in the recent statistics showing the tremendous appreciation in home values (home values in Paris were up by 20% last year - the largest gains since 1991).

The BF is in the business and living here in California knows all to well about what happens in an over inflated real estate market.

He glanced at the charts and based on his Gann knowledge of chart analysis (W. D. Gann was a financial trader and market forecaster) the comment he made to me was that the gains were  unsustainable.

Well, lo and behold, there was an article in Bloomberg yesterday which showed that the Paris housing market is down about 3% and the number of properties sold is down 12%  in the first 5 months of the year. There's been a pick up in the number of apartments offered at a discount.

There is a widening gap between prices in the more desirable areas compared to those less popular. This gap signals that the market is cooling. Paris has probably reached its peak in terms of prices. Currently a 2 bedroom apartment in the Latin Quarter sells for about 753 euros ($1.08 million). On the flip side housing in areas like those along the Seine or near Notre Dame remain higher and luxury housing rose at the fastest rate in the world in the first quarter according to an index compiled by London based broker, Knight Frank LLP.

Sellers are urged to be more realistic and may need to lower their asking price as much as 5% to get their property sold.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

paris job hunting tips

Here's some very good information I located on one of my favorite sites, Expatica is a site for english speaking expatriates or anyone interested in living or moving to their country of choice.

Looking for work in France? Expatica France covers everything you need to know about expat employment in your new country of residence, from work permits and European employment and immigration regulations to job applications and local labour law. They even have a checklist to make sure you're on the right track for employment.

Detailed articles such as A guide to job-hunting in France and Finding work in Paris take you through the rules regarding expat employment, including work permits, who does or doesn’t need one, whether partners can work or not, information about a special European employment programme for highly skilled migrants, expatriate work for students, conditions applied to entrepreneurs and working holiday schemes for expats from Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Teaching English as a foreign language - (this is what I've heard that many, many people moving to France end up doing to make a living)
Teaching English, which for some working expats is a way of making ends meet when they first arrive abroad, can turn into a full-time occupation. Read articles A passport to expat life and English pensioners in France offer immersion classes at home to be inspired. (these are interesting accounts of income meeting inspiration)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

house hunters international goes to paris - full episode

I wasn't able to locate the recent HGTV Normandy episode in a share-able format but I did locate about 7 other episodes featuring France.

I've seen most of them but if you love France like I do, they are fun to watch again and again.

If you haven't seen them, stop back next week.

I will post a different episode every Sunday until I exhaust my stash.

First up: Paris Dreams
grab a café and "let the dreams begin!!"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

working in france just got easier - calling all americans/non residents

Here's a great resource (Embassy of France in the US) to obtain information regarding relocation to France. I'm going to post some of the important facts here on the blog but you can mosey over and check out the site yourself for answers to many of your questions that I may not address here.

Today, great news about another residency card that I haven't mentioned, and which might just apply to you!

Read on my friends

Did working in France just get easier?

You are talented, you want to expand your work horizon in France

The new residency card “Compétences et Talents”
Is for you!
France wishing to improve the organisation of professional immigration has created the “Compétences et Talents” (skills and talents) residency card. If you are talented and want to expand your work horizon in France, this three years renewable card allows you to exercise the activity of your choice in connection with your professional project.
In addition, your family (spouse and children) will receive residency permits allowing them to legally work in France.
You may be granted this card if you are likely to make a significant or lasting contribution, through your skills or talents, to France’s development in the economic, intellectual, scientific, cultural, humanitarian or athletic fields.
Here are some examples of eligible applicants : University graduates Qualified professionals, regardless of their academic level Investors in an economic project Independent professionals such as artists, authors, athletes, etc. Senior manager and high level executives

If you are interested in applying for this residency card, please visit the website of the nearest French Consulate List of French Consulates in the US

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~make a note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
links for:

Friday, June 17, 2011

buying real estate in france- help for the american buyer - conclusion

Conclusion - Purchase Process

Sign the "Acte de Vente" (Final Deed)

You have received your loan offer and you have accepted it 10 days later. The day comes to sign your Deed of Sale. The Notaire's dossier is complete and checks are prepared by you for the balance of the purchase responsibility or money is wire transferred to the Notaire (down payment, taxes and fees), checks are prepared by the lending bank for the payment to the seller and by the Notaires to pay the various commissions and fees.

Once again the buyer, seller, representing Notaires and agents convene for the actual signing. The keys are ready to transfer to you, the buyer, in exchange for the check of payment to the seller.

(In your absence, we can sign on your behalf with Power of Attorney)

The Final Payment and Deed of Sale

The Notaire hands over a check to the seller in full payment for the property and an "Attestation" of the sale to you, the buyer. The documentation will then be submitted to the Chambre de Notaires for official recording and processing. It may take six months or more before you receive the final recorded deed and normally there is a small refund of overpayment of fees, as the assessment at the time of closing is just an estimate and always greater than the final amount officially due.

You, then walk away with keys in hand to your newly purchased French property at which point you will start the renovation/refurbishment/furnishing...and enjoy it for as many years as you like.

Congratulations, you are the proud owner of a property in France!

A bientôt,

Adrian Leeds
Editor, French Property Insider

with Mimi Chiang, Behind the Scenes of House Hunters International

If you have questions about real estate, please contact the Adrian Leeds Group.  She offers consultation services to Anglophones and non residents who desire to live or invest in France.  Happy house hunting!
Please tell Adrian I sent you!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

buying real estate in france- help for the american buyer - part two

Part Two - Purchase Process
By Adrian Leeds

Sign the "Promesse de Vente" or "Compromis de Vente" (Pre-sale Agreement)

The Notaires will prepare the documentation for the signing of the Pre-sale Agreement and you will be asked to provide a deposit held in escrow by the Notaire. This is normally 10% of the purchase price of the property, however, in today's market with prices escalating in central Paris, sellers will often agree to holding 5%, as long as the buyer is willing to pay the full 10% should a default occur.

At this time, the seller must provide the required diagnostics:
energy efficiency, termites, lead, asbestos, natural risk, swimming pools, flooding, quarries and the "Loi Carrez" (official habitable space). He must also provide the "Réglement de Copropriété" (homeowners association bylaws), the "carnet d'entretier de l'immeuble" (maintenance record of the building) and proof of the "copropriété" annual fees.

The buyer, seller, representing Notaires and agents convene for the actual signing. The buyer and seller may have an outside representative or Notaire sign on his behalf with Power of Attorney. We do not recommend that your own Notaire sign on your behalf, as it's best to have another outside but interested party reviewing the signing in your interest. This is another situation where a property consultant can be very valuable and act to protect your interests.

Once the "Promesse de Vente" or "Compromis de Vente" is signed, you have seven days within which a full retraction of the purchase can be made with no financial or legal ramifications. This is called the "cooling off period." For legal reasons, a registered letter must be sent to notify the Notaires and the deposit will be returned within 21 days of the retraction.

(In your absence, we can sign on your behalf with Power of Attorney. We also verify that every aspect of the pre-sale agreement is correct and to your accord.)

Prepare for the Final Signing of the Deed: Financing the Property

If you choose to finance the property, applications must be submitted to the banks. Non-resident buyers should work with banks and lending institutions that specialize in non-resident loans or with loan brokers that can provide the service.

The timing is critical, as the Pre-sale Agreement will dictate the deadlines to acquire a loan offer and an 10-day waiting period is mandatory before an offer can be accepted. One contingency of the Pre-sale Agreement ("clause suspensive") regarding the loan is a protection for both the buyer and seller outlining the specific conditions of the loan. If a loan of a particular amount, at a particular rate, and particular term, as requested by the buyer, is not achievable, by proof of the bank's rejection of the applicant, then the buyer will not lose his deposit and the property will revert back to the seller.

Meanwhile, the Notaire gathers specific information and prepares for the signing of the final deed. He must verify that the seller is the rightful owner of the property, that the description of the property is correct in regard to the city planning and easements, along with what money may be owed on the property.

Conclusion tomorrow- final steps

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

buying real estate in france - Help for the American buyer - part one

I hope you saw the House Hunter's International episode on HGTV that aired this past Sunday. Real estate expert, Adrian Leeds worked with a couple in Normandy. I really enjoyed the episode and the beautiful homes.

Adrian & I emailed back and forth for about a week or so trying to come up with a convenient time for our interview. With her schedule, my job and the 9 hour time difference between here and France I thought we would never figure this out. In the end I explained the questions to her and she was gracious enough to provide the following information for the blog.

I will post it in three parts

Part One -  Purchase Process

In a conversation with a client just last night, I compared purchasing a property in France with having a baby. When you first learn the news, it can be frightening to think that in only a few months down the road, you'll have this little person to love and take care of that perhaps you didn't feel all that prepared for! You start to think of all the things that must be done in time for the big event -- and it becomes overwhelming.

Buying a property in a France is the same. Everyone with whom we have ever worked started out frightened of the process...until they realized that if they just took it one day at a time, step by step, in the end, they will have made all the right decisions and after all is said and done, 'given birth' to this new investment that they are sure to love and cherish as long as they like.

To alleviate your fears, to those of you who are about to embark on the adventure of purchasing a property in France and haven't yet had the experience, should get to know what it takes to go from 'point A' (first getting financing) to 'point Z' (walking away with the keys).

Here's what you can expect:

Get Financing
The very first thing you should do is set up financing. There are many lenders from which to choose and each has several loan products that will interest you. If you have 'pre-approval in principle' -- then you will know your budget in advance and have the necessary security with which to make the purchase and quell the fears of the seller.
You can find more information about this at frenchproperty/loan/ or contact John

Find the property

From recent experience here in Paris in particular, there is so little good property on the market that properties worth purchasing are selling within literally minutes. You must be prepared to make an offer virtually the moment you see it, and in most cases, offer the full asking price, to ensure that it won't be sold to the next person who walks in the door to visit it. (The sellers are morally obligated to accept asking price!)

You may think this is a joke, but we've had too many such situations, where the buyer hesitated for only a few hours and lost the property for exactly those reasons. This is an excellent time to buy, if you can find the right property -- as interest rates are still very low (around 3%) and the U.S. dollar to euro rate of exchange is relatively favorable.

Prices in central Paris have risen about 20% this past year, the result of the demand outweighing the supply. We find that you must have enough clout to be the first to see a property (or soon after), to even have a chance to make an offer, if it's a property worth purchasing.

To have that kind of clout, it helps to work with property finders/consultants (such as our team) who work exclusively for the buyer, and take no commissions from the agencies. The agencies therefore, are quick to contact the consultants first when new properties come across their desks, as they bring with them qualified clients without the work and effort required when working with unrepresented buyers.

(For more information on property search and consultation, visit
Once the property is found, which of course can be an arduous task of looking at many options, here's what you can expect the process to be:
part two tomorrow 

Monday, June 13, 2011

my one month paris blogoversary

Today marks the end of the first month of my "I'd Rather be in Paris" blog. I am very pleased to report that there have been over 4,000 visits to this site. Now I admit, I have no idea what is considered a "good" number of visits, but to me, this is phenomenal!

So thank you to all of you who have stopped by. I hope you enjoy the content and will come back often.

I celebrated the occasion by going to see Midnight in Paris for the second time. I just love that movie!

I've heard some recent grumblings that Parisians don't like the movie too much. I guess I can see their point. When I see movies featuring San Francisco it doesn't always give me that warm and fuzzy feeling either. I don't really like cable cars (I never ride them unless I have out of town guests) and I stay as far away from Fisherman's Wharf as I can get! And, please don't get me started on the endless hills in this city.

When I watch a movie set in San Francisco I spend a lot of my time dissecting the movie, trying to pick out what parts are misleading or where its obvious that they played fast and loose with the facts.

So, I imagine it's probably the same with Parisians. They get to live in that beautiful, picture perfect city every single day - and I guess walking in the rain is fun -  if you like your jeans plastered to your leg and you can rock the flat hair -  or as Roger Miller put it - " Some people walk in the rain...others just get wet!"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

new french tax on foreigners

One of the new tax proposals effective January 2012 in France is a new 20% tax on the rental value of SECOND homes for ANY nationality.
The tax will be 20% of the property’s “valeur locative cadastrale” (a theoretical value). You can find this value at So if a property has a rental value of 3000 euros then the annual tax would be 20% of 3000 euros – i.e. 600 euros per year.
First, this does not apply to expats who are now living in France permanently. Although there are separate proposed changes to their wealth tax.
Second, if you ensure that your home(s) is available for rent for the whole year via a local letting agent then there will be no charge.
At this stage there are no indications how the tax will be applied if the property is not available for the full year.

The new tax is something Americans thinking of purchasing property in France will need to consider, however according to the French Property blog
"It is yet to see if the new 20% tax will be introduced, as many believe it can be legally challenged under European Law as it discriminates against foreign home owners. The Spanish Government were successful challenged a couple of years ago on similar grounds, when they charged non Spanish residents higher capital gains tax on the disposal of property. However, both Italy and Spain have a similar tax regime for non-resident property owners."

I'll keep an eye on this and report back as we get closer to January.

Friday, June 10, 2011

house hunters international goes to france

The Blairs want a drill in all things French and experience is the best teacher. But Franco-mania can produce life's sweetest pleasures and its worst misfortunes. Is the Blair's dream home hiding in the back roads of Europe's dairy land? Find out when House Hunters moves to Normandy, France with the help of professional real estate consultant Adrian Leeds.

**7/24/11 UPDATE** Click here to  read my interview with 
Gabrielle Blair

and watch the full episode of House Hunters International goes to Normandy, France  

Please tune in to House Hunters International on HGTV this Sunday.
I will have my interview with Adrian posted here next week.
NEW SHOW! Historic Country Homes in Normandy
June 12, 2011, 10:30 p.m. EST/PST
June 12, 2011, 1:30 a.m. EST/PST
July 8, 2011, 10:30 p.m. EST/PST
July 8, 2011, 1:30 a.m. EST/PST

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

pieds-a-terre anyone?

If you are one of the many who have ever wondered or dreamed about purchasing real estate in Paris, be sure to stop back by next week. 

I plan to do an interview with Paris property expert, Adrian Leeds within the next week or so (which I will post here). 

She will give us plenty of useful information on how to buy our very own little slice of Paris!

But till then, here's an interesting story for you, which I saw in the New York Times

"On paper, the story of Laurie Pike would make anybody envious. A style director for Los Angeles Magazine, she jets four times a year from Los Angeles to Paris, where she has not one, but three, pieds-à-terre, in three very different parts of the city."
read the story here

Monday, June 6, 2011

conversation with a paris newbie - Robyn Blaber

I was very happy for the opportunity to speak with Sir Robyn (the name he goes by) about his experiences as a "newbie" in Paris and even happier too share our conversation with you.

I met Robyn at one of the Paris Soirees (ex-pat social gathering) that we attended this past Easter Sunday (it was also our last night in Paris). I found him to be a truly interesting guy. We chatted and exchanged blog urls. I told him that I was in love with Paris and wanted to move there.

His blog, A Canadian in Paris is filled with stories about his move to the city of lights and also includes helpful tips for the newcomer (Sir Robyn is a very good writer and adds lots of humor to his stories). He also has a book. You can find the link at the end of the interview.
where are you from originally?
This is never an easy question for me.  I grew up on a small farm near Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, but even as a kid I moved around a lot with my parents who seemed to have a bit of a wanderlust, though it was restricted to western Canada.  I've lived in Saskatoon, and Victoria as a young adult and when the wanderlust grabbed me, I emigrated to the US, specifically Honolulu, Hawaii.
how long have you been in Paris?
At the time of this writing I've been living in Paris for two months.  Counting my 3 month visit from last year, I guess I'm working on my 6th month.
why did you decide to move to Paris?
I've always dreamt of this European fantasy where I would be in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, etc.  Having spent time in London and Berlin already, I made an attempt at 3 months in Rome 2 years ago.  My obligations in Honolulu proved too great, however and I ended up cancelling the trip.  Last year, while contemplating my new attempt at Rome, I was visiting a friend on Maui.  There is nothing to do on Maui, so I was reading a book; Somerset Maugham's "The Razor's Edge."  It tells the tale of a collection of Americans living and thriving in Paris.  I was sold.  I got online and booked an apartment and a plane ticket.
how long did it take you to actually move there after you decided you wanted to live in Paris?
About two months into my visit to Paris last year (one is only allowed to stay 90 days without a visa), I decided that I felt at home in the city. Well I had fallen in love with the city really and I had to be here.  My decision was made then to part for no less than 3 months and return, with or without a visa.
are you working? If so is it a transfer from Canada or did you have to look for employment? If you obtained employment in Paris how difficult is it to find work if you are not from Paris?
There are few advantages in coming from Canada in terms of acquiring a visa, at least when compared with the US.  I'm a software architect and usually have little trouble finding work, however, I have clients in Canada and the US that suffer me to work from Paris.  Because of this I was able to apply for a Long Stay Visitor visaTo apply for a Work visa, one needs a job offer.  For a School visa, one must register in a school.  I looked at and considered each kind of visa and only the visitor and retirement visas suited me... and I'm not old (or rich) enough for the retirement visa.
do you speak French? If so how much French have you had? If not, is it difficult to communicate now that you are living there? Do you think it is necessary to speak French BEFORE you move?
No, though I am learning.  Western Canadians generally don't bother with French and may even resent what little French is used.  I have had the advantage of a few elementary school classes and French as background noise during my childhood.  This helps with my new French accent that I am developing along with the language, but I have no advantages over anyone unfortunately.  I'm very envious of my brother, who took a French immersion class and is now fluent.  Oh, it is not right for a man to be envious of his little brother.
tell us a little about your apartment. How did you find your apartment? Was it difficult to rent? How do you apply for an apartment?
For a three month stay, renting an apartment is very easy.  There are many internet sites that have vacation rentals.  They generally rent for the same price by the week as by the month, so do not rent for less than a month.  From the Internet, you can typically only rent a furnished apartment  for a maximum of three months though there are a few exceptions.  I have seen unfurnished apartments for a year lease, but they are rare.  With most agencies, the up front payments can be made with a credit/debit card.
what is required to rent an apartment in Paris?
Renting an unfurnished apartment is really a lot more difficult for some reason.  French landlords demand a French guarantor, which an ex-pat is likely not to have.  A guarantor is akin to a co-signer for a loan. They must pay the rent should you be unable to.  Now that I have a relationship with a bank here, perhaps I can arrange something for them to be my guarantor.  In the meanwhile, my lack of Frenchness has definitely hurt my apartment hunt.  Luckily, my short-term landlords have extended my lease indefinitely.  I will find just the right place for me over time. 
what are you paying in rent? what size is it, and where is it located?
Right now I'm paying about 1500 Euros a month for a furnished vacation rental.  It's about 200 sq feet.  Very tiny, but it is on the famous Isle Saint Louis and features an absolutely amazing view of the Seine.  Depending on the arrangement, this place would fetch the same amount of rent per week, but I only rent by the month.  I've been seeking a 2-3 bedroom with about 1200 sq feet and that seems to come in at about 3000 Euros per month.

how does it compare to your place or similar apartments in Canada?

There are no comparisons in Canada.  3000 Euros is about 4500 Canadian dollars, with which I could rent two of anything in any city in Canada. 
do you own a vehicle there? Is it easy to get around?
My car is still in Canada and awaits me eagerly to go and fetch it.  Meanwhile, I have been walking, taking the metro and taxis.  The metro comes in at 1.70 per trip and gets you nearly anywhere in the city in about 20 minutes.  The taxis here seem to be a bargain as I've only ever paid a lot when coming from the airport (65 Euros), but never more than about 15 Euros for a trip inside the city limits.  Walking is my favourite mode of transportation in the city.  In this way you see the most things and make the most interesting observations.
you now have your carte de sejour, what advice would you give to someone just arriving in Paris to make this process easier?
Well, I would advise that they get a nice thick dossier and make three copies of every piece of paper they have that has anything to do with their identity or financial information; a water bill especially.  Reading my blog and blogs like mine will help a prospective immigrant to Paris avoid a pitfall here or there.  Reading, re-reading and reading again the instructions for a visa application... then making a checklist and checking the checklist... and you get the idea.  My French experience with paperwork is, if you don't have it, they need it.
please share any pearls of wisdom you might have to help those of us who are in the planning stages.
Well everyone's situation is a little different.  What's important is that you have a visa situation that works for you.  The only advice I have after that is DON'T GIVE UP!  There are many pitfalls with ordinary travel, foreign emigration has thousands more.  Treat it like being with a lover who snores.  When you are in love, you can put up with a little irritation.  All the obstacles fall eventually if you are tenacious.  When things get tough, take a breath, slip on your shoes and take a leisurely stroll down the Seine.
Great advice Sir Robyn and I'll be seeing you in Paris!

Please check out Sir Robyn's blog A Canadian in Paris  (and tell him I sent you)
He's also writing a book called "A Trail of Candy" you can check it out at  It's a book about womenspecifically women from Honolulu and Paris.

What questions do you have about moving to Paris?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

property available in le palace des vosages

As we know, living in Paris can be very expensive. Have you ever considered fractional ownership?

What is the difference between fractional ownership and a timeshare?
While the hassle-free ownership, full management and shared usage benefits of fractional ownership may sound similar to timeshares, there is a fundamental difference. Fractional owners actually own a proportional share of the title of the property. Timeshare owners simply own days or weeks of usage time. If the property appreciates in value, the fractional shareholders share in that appreciation. With a timeshare, this investment aspect does not exist.
This important difference is also what distinguishes fractional ownership properties from the recent wave of destination clubs. Destination club members purchase a fixed amount of time to use the club's properties. Like a timeshare, they do not hold any ownership right in the real property, and thus do not enjoy the capital appreciation of those properties. 
Anyway, here is a beautiful property in Le Marais. I have walked by this building, (Le Palace des Vosages located in the Place des Vosages) many times and peeked in at the courtyard while meandering through the Marais (one of my favorite sections of Paris - my favorite Repetto shoe store is there). The Place des Vosages is the oldest planned square in Paris.

This property is handled by Adrian Leeds Group, owner of The French Property Insider (I got this referral from my New Zealand ex pat friend who owns about 10 properties in Paris).

I'm planning to post more interesting (subjective of course) available properties here on the blog. Even if you never buy one, it certainly is fun to look...and dream!
Take a video tour of the property and Happy Sunday folks!

Would you like to see more available properties?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

my paris vacation

These 3 slideshow/videos are photos taken from our recent holiday in Paris, April 2011. Some of you may have seen them before on my other blog "I'm Just Sayin" (please excuse the duplication) but needed to move them over to this new blog.  For you new people who may not have seen them, please feel free to check them out.

How many places do you recognize?

A "typical" day inParis

walking tour of the Latin Quarter

we walked for SEVEN hours and Never had more fun.
random photos of people around Paris 

Remember they have sooo much more leisure time than we do!

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rather be in paris