Bonjour mes amis
I’m the creative, artistic type
I love planning things
parties, vacations, interior design
you name it, I probably enjoy planning it
I make my home in beautiful Northern California
there is absolutely nothing wrong with where I live now
in fact, it’s a fascinating place to live, except
I love Paris too
I grew up as a military brat (born, raised and transferred)
and I love to travel
ultimately, I think it gets in your blood
I’ve moved many, many times
and lived in many, many places
including Hawaii and Guam
Now that my kiddies are all grown up
and out of the house
I’m anxiously looking forward to retirement
and a complete change of scenery
when I went to Paris for the first time
I fell in love
it is truly a magical place
and I just knew I had to move there
if you asked me why
I don't know if I could explain
I'm sure those of you who have been there know
it’s just a “feeling” you get
So I’ve decided to pick up once again
and make a new home in Paris
but before I go
I need a plan
I searched online for a plan about
how to move to Paris
but, I found none
and yes, there are websites with snippets
and tips and links to contacts in Paris
but nowhere did I find an actual PLAN
complete with supporting research data
so I decided to create my own
why not?
well, Ok so I’m not a writer or a travel guru
but I have written 3 other blogs
(check them out)
when I have something to say
I write a blog
This blog is my FIVE YEAR PLAN to move to Paris
I will include (besides my plan of course)
articles, pictures, interviews
fashion, art, my personal musings
and lots of other helpful resources
follow my progress
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if you'd like to share some of your ideas or have questions
you can contact me at