Thursday, January 26, 2012

a visit to mont saint michel - video tour

When I was in high school I took 3 years of French. The book we studied was a text all about a girl and her uncle set on the island of Monte Tombe where the church of Mont Saint Michel is located.

Gee, wish I could think of the name of that book, however it was quite a while ago and all of my attempts to find any information on that book by searching online have failed.

But...due to my studies I have always had a fascination with the island and have wanted to visit.

So off we go to Normandy today (virtually that is) to explore the island's history.  I think you will find this a very fascinating place.

Mont Saint Michel is one of the most remarkable examples of medieval architecture in the whole world. Together with its surroundings, Mont Saint Michel is simply breathtaking. 

For more info on Mont Saint Michel, France, visit:



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