Thursday, August 16, 2012

France expels the Gypsies -- again

Remember the other day I was writing about the Gypsy scams Paris? I mentioned that the 2nd time I returned to Paris I hardly saw any Gypsies because due to a new ordinance passed to keep the Gypsies away from tourist.

Today I read where the French are taking the Gypsy problem very seriously and have taken an even harsher measure to rid the city of the unwanted Gypsies. 

GENNEVILLIERS, France -- The camps weren't much to begin with: They had no electricity or running water. Grocery carts served as makeshift grills. Rats ran rampant and fleas gnawed on young and old alike.

But they were home – and they were better than the new reality for thousands of Gypsies who have been forced into hiding after France launched its latest campaign this week to drive them from their camps.

The last big sweep came in 2010, when France expelled Gypsies to Romania and Bulgaria. Then the European Commission imposed sanctions and thousands of French came out to protest in sympathy for the Gypsies, also known as the Roma.

This time, the Gypsies left quietly – gathering their belongings and heading into the woods – with plans to re-emerge when the coast is clear.

Source: Read the full story and see slideshow on the Huffington Post



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