Friday, May 20, 2011

Paris Soirees Presents

I received this announcement from my new friend Patricia Laplante-Collins who lives in Paris and heads up the Paris Soirees (I attended her Easter event last month). I'll post her guest speaker line up here on my blog each month.

If you take a look at the topic,you'll see that it goes right along with what we were discussing here earlier this week. I'll check with Patricia and see if I can get a synopsis of Mr Stewart's talk to post here. Those of us on this side of the pond would also be interested in hearing what he has to say on this very interesting subject. 

If you are in Paris or planning a trip, please contact her and check out the events. You will find them well worth your time.

French Visitors
Sunday 22 May 2011
19h15 – 23h00ish
Happy Hour. Charles Stewart's Presentation And Discussion. Dinner and Dessert. More Great Socializing

Our Guest of Honor
Charles Stewart
Attorney , Managing Director 
Sleuths Int’l™ L.L.C.
An International Property Research and Consulting Group
USA cell : 310 692 0500 (for USA only). Paris Cell: 33 (06) 38 41 8229

From Charles Stewart: "I'll want to explore how the subject can be interestingly developed. The events of the past week involving Strauss-Kann can be a catalyst for discussing the difference between sexual mores and traditions between NY-CALIF-WASHINGTON and Paris and the way the press treats celebrities and high-profile politicians. (Recall JFK and how he was protected. How different was he from DSK ??) Also, the contrast in French and American reactions. What are we teaching our young? How will the world's leading democracies find leaders if their past and present personal lives risk being subjected to continuous moral scrutiny? Could be very interesting.
My experience as a student for 7 years in Washington D.C., later with Martin Luther King in the Sixties, and later here in Paris and Johannesburg with Mandela (I led his fund raising campaign for his first term presidential election) gave me some interesting insights into the activities of politicians."
Should be both thrilling and intellectually stimulating - Patricia
It's €20.00 at the door. Reservations with your telephone number (Thanks!) on or telephone 33 6 43 79 35 18. (Sundays telephone only. If you emailed me but didn't hear back, please call.)
GREAT FOOD! Fusion cuisine. Lot's of vegetables. Free flowing wine

Our friends' l
arge and FUN private residence in the heart of the LATIN QUARTER . Metro: St Michel. Details with reservations.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for Sunday 29 May. Special Guest to Be Announced. Reserve as usual on (With your telephone number. Thanks) or 33 (0) 6 43 79 35 18.

Tap into Parler Paris ... written by Adrian Leeds, a long time resident of Le Marais and an American in Paris for more than 16 years, brings you Mondays and Wednesdays an "insider" view on life in Paris with tips on how to maneuver the system for working, living, visiting, and particularly investing in property in Paris and France! Subscribe today:



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